Genetic Transformation
Our lab has developed genetic transformation pipelines for the following species:
Petunia (Mitchell)
Tobacco (all genotypes)
Tomato (most genotypes)
Potato (Solalum tuberosome L. cv. ‘Russet Burbank")
Chili Pepper (Red Rocket)
Sweet Pepper ( California Wonder and other commercial varieties)
Brasscia Family ( B. rapa cv. Bok Choy, cv. pekinensis, B.napus, Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Snapdragon (JI7, SIPPE50, and some potted commercial varieties)
Lettuce (all genotypes)
Grape (V. vinifera cv. ‘Thompson Seedless’)
Soybean (Willams82)
Other services:
protocol development for micropropagation
protocol development for genetic transformation
For genetic transformation (overexpression and silencing) and gene editing: T1 segregated seeds from T0 plants will be recommended for research purposes. Only our own plasmid will be used for some species such as pepper and snapdragon; for other plant species, our plasmid will be also highly recommended.
Please contact Dr. Huo for any collaboration or service request.